Fullstackbook Ch1 Ch2
I’m working through a copy of Modern Full-Stack Development: Using TypeScript, React, Node.js, Webpack, and Docker to try and get more familiar with putting all of the pieces together.
So far I’ve made my way thru chapters one and two. Starting with basic Node.js and Node Package Manager information, it’s been nice to start at the basics and learn all the commands in the right order. Nothing wrong with learning just enough to keep moving, but also kind of nice to see the how it should be done as well.
What Next
I’m getting better at writing javascript! I managed to hack together a onClick js button that did some Salesforce magic.
I had two disparate sources:
really old SF classic button code that would take the multi-selected records from a list view then perform field updates (change owner, populate driver fields, etc) slightly more sophisticated code from Traction on Demand that from a single record would query for documents in the document pool associated to that lead, then send the found ID’s off for deletion I was somehow able to nest them within?
First Code Journal Entry
So now here we go - my first post to the coding journal! I’ve been using the code from the “Terminal” theme as a jumping off point.
So far I’ve worked on creating a couple static pages (no content just yet) - and a couple of archetypes for this coding journal and collecting information on my motorcycles. I’m curious if I can continue to go deeper on the heirarchy to make the Moto a couple levels deep?